
Bloggy stuff

Every few days, I decide I don't like the way my blog looks. I spend some time, poking around the internet and admiring other people's blogs, then I try things, but I usually end up going back to the same old thing. I definitely like a minimalist approach but I'm now thinking my layout/template is kind of dull. Hmm...

On another bloggy note, I love reading other people's crafty blogs. I've been reading blogs in general for a while but now that I'm quilting (and always learning!) blogs have been a wealth of information! On a more personal note, many of the people who blog have inspired me both in my crafts and other aspects of my life. I always find it brave when people post about "real" issues and am still figuring out how much of myself to expose here. But seriously, the only drawback is that I often find myself wishing I could sit down and have a cup of coffee with many of the bloggers! I've always loved reading in general so it's no surprise that I find myself connecting with bloggers as I read about their lives, adventures, mishaps, etc. All in all, I have many bloggy-friend crushes and hope someday to meet many of these amazing people. For now, I look forward to their next posts. :) Keep 'em coming guys and know you've always got a buddy here.

Here are just a FEW of the blogs I regularly read:
jaybird quilts (Julie)
i am. i am. i am. (Brooke)
Red Pepper Quilts (Rita)
A Friend to knit with (Leslie)
Quilt Dad (John)
you know what i love? (Ara Jane)

1 comment:

  1. I completely relate to this, my husband just spent weeks helping me redo the look of my blog because I wasn't happy with it. Just uploaded the new version yesterday, and I love it! Felt like spring cleaning.


Kind words, funny stories, and recipes are always welcome. :)